The ultimate qualities of dubbing are to create a body that reflects and lets through as much light as possible. Most dubbings have too short strands to fit big flies.
Dubbing wax with a extra tack added; perfect for applying dubbing to the finest of threads for patterns calling for extra bulk. Swax washes easily from your hands, leaving your fingers stick-free!
Salmo Supreme Dubbing is an amazing dubbing blend of flashfibres mixed with soft and colorful synthetic fibres
Randall Kaufmann is a Northwest legend. His flies changes to game for us. These are his unique dubbing blends to match all his best patterns.
Cant decide on just one color? Get them all! Most likely, you'll end up with them all at some point anyway. This gives you an easy way to keep them organized.
One of the best seal subs out there. great for leeches and steelhead flies of all types. Long spiky fibers pick out perfect, and the natural sheen adds translucency synthetics just can't seem to match.
Some of the buggiest dubbing available. Perfect for Nymphs, but not for dry flies, as it soaks up water.